Several images taken by Skytech Cambridge have been recently used in an article published by the Cambridge Independent newspaper, in conjunction with Urban Splash, to showcase the latest progress on their site currently under development in Northstowe, Cambridgeshire.
The main 'top down' image is a composite image consisting of several images stitched together. This process was necessary to capture the whole site in one photo which simply couldn't be done due to the 400ft height limit laid down by the CAA to drone operators - even with a relatively wide angle lens on the drone.
This process can be used to capture large areas in great detail and clarity. Perfect for creating large prints to showcase entire construction sites, business parks, schools, farmland or anything else covering a large area.
We also have the ability to create orthomosaic images which create photorealistic representations of an area that can produce surveyor-grade measurements of topography, infrastructure, and buildings.
Skytech Cambridge Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales (Company No. 14521835 - VAT Registration Number 444127413), 34 Crabtree Road, Northstowe, Cambridge, CB24 1BN |